Hi everyone,
I am a new mammy (well mammy to be) and I am blogging about my life, my pregnancy/parenthood and beauty.
Everything I mention has been bought and paid for by myself (or as a present off family members) unless otherwise stated (so probably everything is bought by me ☺) and all opinions are my own.
If you have aren't queries don't hesitate to get in touch via twitter @sprinkleofpixie or email me at pixiedustandfairylove@gmail.com
💖 xxx

Saturday, 6 June 2015


Hi guys ☺

This is a bit of a 'what I did with my weekend' post rather than anything helpful but I thought I'd write it anyway ☺

As some of you know, I am married to a scouser so every now and again we make the long drive (okay it's not actually that long, it takes half an hour less than it does to get to where I'm from, but when you're 35 weeks pregnant and your husband can't drive and people are being annoying on the m62 it feels like forever) to liver pool and that's what we did this weekend.
We left ours at about 8am and got to Liverpool for about half 9, I'm not going to lie the first stop we made was to get me some breakfast from macdonalds and for a much needed toilet break! Apparently baby can sense when I'm not going to be able to go to the toilet and takes great pleasure in kicking me in the bladder for the entire journey! The baby also does not like the seat belt and likes to kick that too 😂
We visited my cousin in law at her stall in st John's market, and she gave us another little present for the baby (a super cute tatty ted saying baby on board for the car (JJ actually said to me is that deffo for the car then?I'm not going to lie, my response was a rather sarcastic 'no I stick it to the front of my bump until I give birth' )). We did a little bit of shopping but then JJ wanted to meet up with his mate but without me, so I bought a few magazines and went and sat in costa with a Belgian chocolate cooler- I didn't like this drink!but baby doesn't like hot chocolate and I don't like coffee so there wasn't much choice available. We agreed that he could have an hour with his mate then come back and get me, 2 hours later I still hadn't heard from him and his phone was off so I genuinely sat there by myself like a lose for an hour and a half longer than I should have. I probably could have left and gone for a wander but as I couldn't get in touch with him I didn't know how we would find each other 😐
Luckily my sister rang me so I chatted to her for about an hour, and then spoke to my mam ☺
JJ and his mate finally turned up and told me that they had decided to go for a meal tonight and we had to book a hotel. I pointed out we didn't have deodorant or toothbrushes or makeup (for me not him obviously ) so JJ said we could buy some and we had to stay so £100 later we had a hotel booked and I had the essentials (foundation, mascara, blusher, eyebrow pencil, brushes and a tangle teezer ).
We ended up not going out with his mate (his mate cancelled) so we stayed in and had room service, it was nice to have someone else make me food!
We got back home about 11am Sunday morning after a pleasant drive in the sun, and JJ took the makeup back to boots so at least we didn't waste money on that (although I did keep the tangle teezer!).

Next weekend we are off to my home city and I can't wait!!

What did you do with your weekend?


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