Hi guys! ☺
This post is all about breastfeeding. For those of you who don't know, I am 34 weeks pregnant with my first child. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm sure I will learn as I go along ☺ but I do like to have advice on all of the different things involved in raising a child.
A major thing that I have thinking about lately is breastfeeding. Personally I want to try it, but I also have formula and bottle feeding kits just in case.
Myself and JJ went to an antenatal class a couple of weeks ago and breastfeeding was mentioned. Now, although I do think that I want to try it I know that some people can't (my mother couldn't express milk for me or my sister ), and some people don't like it (this may happen to me I won't know until I try) so I wanted information on the best formulas to use etc. However, the midwives at the antenatal class were very much 'you will breastfeed' rather than being helpful
They were asked how to tell if you're producing enough milk for the baby, how to tell when is best to start bottle feeding if you don't think you are doing well breastfeeding etc and they all just said 'you will produce enough, you don't need to know about bottle feeding'. Well I think that is my decision to make!
I have been told stories by people who have tried breastfeeding but found it too painful the first few days so decided that it wasn't for them (and that is their decision) and everyone I know that has breastfed have all said that it hurts at first, but the midwives genuinely said 'breastfeeding never hurts, if it hurts you aren't doing it right and are harming your child '
I get that everyone is entitled to their opinion and theirs is obviously that breastfeeding is best, but surely it is their job to make sure that all parents have all the information?I don't force my opinions on other people and I don't feel comfortable when people do that to me!
I would love for people to get in touch with me and share their experiences of how to feed their baby!I need all the information I can get lol.
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