Hi everyone,
I am a new mammy (well mammy to be) and I am blogging about my life, my pregnancy/parenthood and beauty.
Everything I mention has been bought and paid for by myself (or as a present off family members) unless otherwise stated (so probably everything is bought by me ☺) and all opinions are my own.
If you have aren't queries don't hesitate to get in touch via twitter @sprinkleofpixie or email me at pixiedustandfairylove@gmail.com
💖 xxx

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Things people have annoyed me with during pregnancy

Hi guys ☺

Firstly I would like to apologise for a lack of posts recently, I have been quite busy and also quite ill, and some things happened in my personal life which made me not really want to be very social but I thought I would try and make an effort today  ☺

I want to talk about some of the inappropriate things people have said or done while I have been pregnant as they are probably quite funny but annoyed me at the time.

🍼touching my bump- I am sure I have mentioned this before but I still don't know why people I barely know and have only spoken to maybe once feel like it is okay to touch my tummy, fair enough usually they are also talking to it at the same time but still. No one goes up to someone they barely know who isn't pregnant, touches their tummy and says things like 'oh hasn't it got big!' So why is it okay just cos there is a baby in there? !

🍼telling me Im fat- I don't mean jokingly saying 'ooh someone's been eating all the pies' because I have a bump...I actually find that funny and have called my baby my little pizza baby at one point...but someone at work genuinely just calls me fat all the time (other than bump and boobs I haven't actually changed size so can still fit into most of my size 8-10 clothes) and says things like 'oh you get out of breath easily cos you're so fat' errr no I get out of breath because I have a baby kicking me in my ribs and it hurts and is probably squashing my lungs a little too.

🍼telling me I will need to go on a diet as soon as I have the baby- this is the same person funnily enough. I was talking to my friend about how I want to take the baby swimming when it's still a young baby and colleague pointed out to me that I need to go on a diet immediately and start exercising because I will still look fat! I pointed out that my baby comes first and I will lose the baby bump eventually and she told me that she would be embarrassed to be walking about with a huge tummy! Then went on to make me cry by talking to other people about how she could never just accept being fat like me and would need to skip meals! You can tell she has never had kids!

🍼telling me that they had a conversation with their husband (who I have never met ) about the size of my boobs - this isn't even that bad I just thought it was a weird thing to say to your husband over the dinner table 'oh you know that girl at work you've never met I think she's pregnant cos her boobs are massive now' er...okay!

🍼telling me I'm a wuss if I have pain relief during birth- yeah I know I'm a wuss I admit it. I faint with needles and I cry if I walk into something, I know I won't cope with the pain of birth so I am quite happy to admit that although I will try my best, at some point I will need pain relief. 

🍼taking bets on the colour of my baby's skin- this isn't as random as it sounds, I am white and my husband is white but his mother is not and neither are any of her other children so it could be that my child might be slighter darker skinned than me. However, taking bets on this is probably a bit racist and also a bit wrong!

🍼asking if my husband is the father...but not in a jokey way- yes this actually happened, no I have never cheated on anyone.

🍼telling me my baby will be ugly because it could be ginger- again my husband is ginger so my baby could be too, but my husband was a very cute child and only has the orange hair not the ginger skin to go with it (he tans a golden brown colour and doesn't have freckles). My baby will still be gorgeous regardless of hair colour.

🍼telling me they don't think my husband would make a good father and asking if I would trust him to look after the baby- well firstly they have never met him so I'm not sure what they are judging that on!and secondly if I thought for one minute he wouldn't be a good father I wouldn't be having his child. Obviously. He isn't violent, he isn't a danger to children, he is a normal man so why wouldn't I trust him to look after his own baby? Yeah it's his first baby but it's mine too!

These are only a few of the things people have said to me while I have been pregnant and although none of them are really bad they have all annoyed me in some way and I would dream of saying them to someone else!

Has anyone else experienced things like this?



  1. Oh my goodness! It sounds like some people need a slap! I've not had anything too bad, but I did get one person say that I am looking much heavier with this pregnancy than with my first (no.2 is due in a few weeks..). I wouldn't have minded, but I only had no.1 18 months ago, and I'm actually not that much different weight-wise! Some people need to keep their mouths shut don't they!xx

    1. I think some people just don't think before they speak! Every pregnancy is different so even if you were a bit bigger (I'm not saying you are) it doesn't matter anyway!Surely all that matters is that you and the baby are healthy.

  2. I feel so angry for you! I really don't know how you haven't slapped some of these people. I had people touching my bump when I was pregnant and hated it, and also a few comments about what I was going to do to try and lose the baby weight. I did nothing and I still haven't, Betsy is 18 months old and I still have a bit of a mum tum but so what!!! Does it bother me or my other half? No, so sod anyone else. These people have no bloody right to comment on anything about you, it's of no concern to them. I'm so sorry you have had to deal with such ignorant and ridiculous comments. Once your baby is here though you will forget all about it and spend your time being the most fabulous mummy, so try not to take any notice of them lovely xxxxx

  3. I did know if it was just me being silly not liking people touching my bump!I don't mind if it's someone I know like my close friends and family, but when it's people I barely know it's like an invasion of privacy if that makes sense.
    And I'm glad that your other half is supportive of you ☺ I think that as long as the baby and you are happy and healthy then it doesn't matter how long, if ever, it takes to lose the baby tummy. I'm proud of my bump as it shows that I have made a beautiful baby and I don't see any reason to ignore the needs of my baby in order to focus on getting my figure back (once I've had the baby).
    Think people need to realise what's important ☺
