Hi everyone,
I am a new mammy (well mammy to be) and I am blogging about my life, my pregnancy/parenthood and beauty.
Everything I mention has been bought and paid for by myself (or as a present off family members) unless otherwise stated (so probably everything is bought by me ☺) and all opinions are my own.
If you have aren't queries don't hesitate to get in touch via twitter @sprinkleofpixie or email me at pixiedustandfairylove@gmail.com
💖 xxx

Friday, 30 October 2015


As baby is only 3 months old (well 15 weeks) I was a bit worried about her being scared of people dressed up.

I had to go to work to see a colleague as she was retiring and she was such an amazing person that I couldn't not go and see her. But the day she was retiring was the day that everyone at work were dressing up for Halloween. 

The past two years that I have been there for Halloween, everyone has dressed up really scarily and with really realistic face makeup so I was very worried about baby's reaction.

I needn't have worried. The first person we saw was very scary with full face paint and contact lenses and all baby did was giggle! That was her reaction to everyone!! I was so proud of her and I know everyone else was a bit shocked!

I don't think she realised that it wasn't their usual face, but she also didn't associate it with anything scary. This could be because she has never seen anything scary so has no reason to find them scary, or if they all just looked funny to her but either way it was super cute!

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