Hi everyone,
I am a new mammy (well mammy to be) and I am blogging about my life, my pregnancy/parenthood and beauty.
Everything I mention has been bought and paid for by myself (or as a present off family members) unless otherwise stated (so probably everything is bought by me ☺) and all opinions are my own.
If you have aren't queries don't hesitate to get in touch via twitter @sprinkleofpixie or email me at pixiedustandfairylove@gmail.com
💖 xxx

Monday, 27 July 2015

What we have used with the baby so far...

Hi ☺

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, I was ill and then had a baby girl but I am hoping to start posting properly again ☺

Today I want to talk about the products that I have actually used since having the baby, as we bought a lot of stuff before we had her.

🍼 chicco next to me crib- originally we were intending to use this both upstairs and downstairs but after attaching it to the bed we realised how much of a faff it was so it has remained in the bedroom for when baby goes to bed at night time.  I will say that it is an amazing thing to have as it means I can see my baby without sharing a bed with her and it soothes her knowing that we are so close to her and if she starts to cry we can reach her immediately.  I would definitely recommend this to anyone even though it is a little bit expensive it is worth it.

🍼a moses basket- I mentioned in a previous post that we weren't going to get a moses basket as we were going to use the chicco crib, but a few days after the birth we did go out and buy a moses basket for downstairs. We only paid about £41 for it but it is comfy and looks cute.

🍼baby bath- we bought both a baby bath and a bath support as originally we weren't going to use a baby bath we were just going to use the bath support. However, since being in a lot of pain I found I couldn't lean over the bath so the baby bath was a life saver! The reason we weren't going to get the baby bath was the baby would grow quickly and wouldn't get much use out of it but I would now say that a baby bath is the best option especially if you have stitches.

🍼room thermometer- we try to have this in whichever room we are in at the time. We have the gro egg one which changes colour depending on the temperature and I don't think we have been in green yet. We have tried but the optimum temp is about 18 degrees Celsius which is actually quite cold and as we have a new house it is generally around 24 degrees so we do tend to judge ourselves what to dress the baby in rather than rely on the temp monitor but it is nice to have. Their website also has a handy table which shows what tog sleeping bag or blanket to use depending on the temp of the room.

🍼a water bottle for me- breastfeeding really makes me dehydrated so I have to have a bottle of water with me at all times. No one told me what to expect other than hunger which I don't even get.

🍼all of the essentials like nappies and wipes etc are obvious so I won't talk about them other than we love pampers and asda little angel wipes.

Those are basically what we have been using in the past few days since coming out of hospital.  I will do a post about what we haven't used so far and why.


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