When I was pregnant, I bought a few things that I probably didn't need, or at least had cheaper alternatives, all because of the hype surrounding them.
So my advice for today is never buy something just because of the hype, or because it looked cute or cool.
An example of this is the tommee tippee sangenic bin. I was in mothercare and saw these bins on offer, and the hype around them made them seem great and a must have!the sales assistant told me they were really popular and I would regret not getting one, so we got one. In pink. Don't get me wrong, this bin does what it says, it stores nappies without making the room smell. But so does a nappy bag. I don't always change EmJ in the same room, so unless we carry the bin about with us, or carry dirty nappies around, I end up using normal bins too. Nappy bags are much cheaper than the cartridges for these bins, so i would recommend for people not to get one of these.
Another thing I got was the Gro Egg. This is a room thermometer that also acts as a night light....or its meant to. I am actually disappointed by this as it sometimes doesn't give the correct temperature, and it isn't bright enough to be a night light. The orange also looks quite similar to the red so it's harder to tell the temperature unless you actually look at the digital display which defeats the object of having colours displayed. I saw this in the baby club magazine from boots and it was described as being a must have product, which is the reason we got it, but honestly it's not worth the hype. You can get much cheaper room thermometers that probably work better.
These are just two examples of things I've bought just because of the good advertising surrounding the product, and I think that if I do get pregnant again then I will choose what I buy carefully and decide whether something is actually necessary before buying it. I will consider if there is a cheaper alternative that will be just as good, and not waste money on pointless products.
Have you bought anything just because of the hype surrounding them?
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