Hi everyone,
I am a new mammy (well mammy to be) and I am blogging about my life, my pregnancy/parenthood and beauty.
Everything I mention has been bought and paid for by myself (or as a present off family members) unless otherwise stated (so probably everything is bought by me ☺) and all opinions are my own.
If you have aren't queries don't hesitate to get in touch via twitter @sprinkleofpixie or email me at pixiedustandfairylove@gmail.com
💖 xxx

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Baby's first chest infection

For about 5 weeks baby has had a cough, I have taken her to the doctors a few times and each time they told me it was just a cold, and told me to go back if it got worse. Each time I went it was a lot worse than before but they didn't seem bothered until the last time I went when a different doctor told me she had a chest infection and needed antibiotics.

She went off her food completely, kept getting a fever and just wasn't herself. I know I'm a first time mum but I honestly believe that you can tell when there's something wrong with your baby.

Baby is always smiling, giggling and wanting to play. But for the past few days she wouldn't even smile,  which is why I took her again to the doctor. The night u took her to the docs I was tempted to take her to hospital. She had a fever, she was tired and just seemed completely not herself and her eyes looked vacant.

Luckily my parents were there and my mam told me that she would be better after a day of antibiotics so I stayed awake all night to monitor her and her temperature.

Baby did wake up and wanted milk which I took as a good sign even though she only drabs 3oz which is 2oz less than normal, but more than she had been having. She seemed a bit brighter and even smiled at me. I can't explain what I felt when she smiled after a day of not smiling. It won't seem like a big deal to sone people but honestly it was!

She has still been sleeping quite a bit during the day now but I think that's just her way of getting better.  She's still coughing loads and bringing up phlegm, but the antibiotics seem to be working already.

I would just like to point out that the antibiotics are bright yellow which amuses me as when she spits some out it makes her bibs and clothes yellow 😂

Her symptoms were fever,  crackling chest which we could hear and feel, cough with phlegm, coughing and making herself be sick, irritability, sore throat (we think as she winced when she swallowed and her eyes kept watering like mine do when I have a sore throat).

I will keep you updated on her progress with her antibiotics.


Tuesday, 17 November 2015

5 disgusting things I have done as a parent

Before I had baby, if anyone was sick on my clothes or if anyone sneezed on me I was left feeling physically sick.....I even threw up once when someone with particularly sweaty hands accidentally touched me! But since having a baby I have done some things that previously would have made me sick...

👶 sniffed baby's bum to see if she pooed.
I'm pretty sure every parent has done this at some point while their child was still a baby.  It's much easier than undressing baby to check the nappy, but is definitely a bit disgusting!

👶 gone out with sick in my hair.
This might just be something I've done, but baby is often sick on me and it is usually just as we are about to leave the house, but usually we have time to change and wash. But when I was getting her ready for nursery she decided to projectile vomit all over my newly made up face (!) My clothes and my hair. I had just enough time to change her and me and towel the sick out of my hair but not to wash it! So I had to go to uni smelling of baby sick!!

👶 sucked snot out of her nose
Again this might just be me, but she was having trouble breathing and I didn't want to put saline up her nose so the next best thing was to suck it out! Not the most pleasant experience!

👶 had baby sick in my mouth.
I was playing with her and held her above my head just as she decided to be sick, it fell directly into my mouth and was really warm! worryingly I didn't think it tasted too bad (although I did spit it out don't worry!)

👶 take a picture of baby's nappy and send it to my mam.
This was to check if the poo looked normal (although I have been known to send a pic to her dad if she's done a massive poo). My mam was not impressed and said she is going to tell baby when she is older that I sent a pic of her poo!

Those are probably the 5 most disgusting things I've done as a parent so far! Have you done these?


Sunday, 15 November 2015

A sorry I'm a bad blogger post

Hi guys ☺

I feel like I've been such a bad blogger lately but life has just taken over!

As I've probably mentioned far too much, I'm at uni one (sometimes two) days a week doing my part time masters while I'm on maternity leave, so with all the work I have to do for that and looking after baby and doing housework etc my blog has taken a bit of a back seat.

Last time I wrote a post like this I promised to post more but it just isn't feasible at the moment. 

I am going to keep posting when I can and I do have a few reviews and other posts written, but as this is just a hobby and not many people read my blog anyway, the posts won't be regular.

I am very sorry for this and I am hoping that one day in the future I will be a better blogger and have my life more sorted out!

I am still reading everyone else's blogs though so if I follow you on bloglovin or twitter chances are I'm reading what you write so keep up the good work 😘


Thursday, 5 November 2015

Baby's 4 month update

Baby had her third lot of injections while she had a cold (I did tell the nurse but was made to feel stupid as 'it wouldn't affect it'), initially she was fine and didn't cry once I'd given her a cuddle. She was fine until about 5 hours after the third lot of calpol  (which is all they recommend to give) when I woke up and realised she felt hot so took her temp and it was 38.3°C! She has never had a temp before so I did panic, but we took a layer off her, and gave her milk and calpol. This brought her temp back to normal but I was still really worried!!

She loves her bouncer and loves playing with toys that make noise! She's not that interested in the piano on the bouncer that lights up, she prefers the little frog toy that's on it and all he does is spin round when pushed lol. She also loves wrist rattles although she does try to eat them! And she loves her teething book we got her which makes rattling noises when you touch it, a bit like a crisp packet.

She doesn't like tummy time atm, after about 5 minutes she starts to cry and wants to be sitting up again! However when she does have tummy time she has started to take a few steps (is this the right word) crawling before she forgets to move her hands!I was so excited when she first did this!!

She is sleeping pretty much the same as last month, although we have started to try and give her a proper bedtime routine (ruined when hubby makes me pick him up at the time that I should be putting baby to bed!)

She still loves the bath and loves to kick her legs really hard in the water to splash me in the face! She finds it hilarious. She loves having her hair washed and will smile while I'm washing it then splash about excitedly after.

She loves swimming but only when the water is warm. She gets a bit cranky if the water is too cold so we have to take her out and warm her up. I'm not sure if I mentioned in the last baby post that we had a photo shoot in the pool with her the first time we took her swimming. The pictures are amazing and she looks so happy in the water!

She loves me reading to her, and her favourite at the minute is spots first picnic as the pictures are big and really colourful. It's a bit boring for me but then I'm not the intended audience 😂

We have had to put her onto cow and gate milk as she was becoming constipated with aptamil. She has been fine since we swapped though.

She loves nursery, and seems to play with a lot of toys there.  We did receive a bottle that wasn't hers though which makes me wonder if they are using her bottles with other kids and giving her someone else's or if they just got mixed up when putting the bottles into the bags. She also had a scratch on her face that she couldn't have done herself but as there are babies from about 7months old onwards it was bound to happen accidentally eventually as she is the youngest there. 

She has been to the doctors as the cough she had with her cold got worse and sounded very chesty, so we have some medicine for her now which will hopefully clear it up. The doc said that the more viruses she gets at this age, the better her immune system will be so there's a bit of a silver lining.

She definitely knows who I am now and looks for me in a room if she is playing with her toys or with someone else, and she cries if I leave the room and smiles when I come back.

We have had to ring the health visitor to get her weighed as there are no clinics for us to go to and my dad thought she had lost weight. My doctors surgery say they can't weigh her as they don't have the proper baby scales so the health visitor is coming out next week.

She loves chattering to herself, and to me! She even talks to me on the phone which is so cute when I am on my way to uni! She sometimes sounds like she is saying mama when her daddy has her but we think it is coincidence rather than her actually talking, like the more she talks the more she will randomly make noises that sound like words.

That's it for the 4 month update I think ☺
