Hi ☺
I have read a few birth stories on here and I went really sure whether to post mine or not, and I was a bit reluctant to write it as it brought back bad memories...but I decided now is the time to share my story.
I was 41+6 and started having back pains at about 11pm Wednesday night (my mams birthday), I told Jay about it but he told me it wasn't labour and just to go to sleep. I tried to sleep but couldn't get comfortable, so ended up walking about the bedroom trying not to wake anyone up! The pains kept getting worse until about 2 am Thursday morning when I felt something 'pop'. I don't know how else to describe it other than it felt like something pop, so I went to the toilet and a small amount of clear fluid was present on my pad and when I wiped with toilet roll.
I woke my mam up to ask if it was my waters as I had expected them to gush out, but there was only a little bit.
My mam said she thought it was especially as I was getting pains around my front as well as my back now and they were quite close together.
We rang the labour suite and got put through to triage who told me to have something to eat and then go to hospital.
Hubby drove us to the hospital in my car, and we left the hospital bags in the car because I thought I would be sent back home!
We went through to triage and I was examined and told I was 3cm dilated and they couldn't tell if my waters had broke or not. I was asked to collect some of the clear fluid in a tube but by that time there was no fluid.
They asked me to move to another cubicle and attached me to a monitor that would monitor baby's heartbeat and said I would be attached to it for half an hour. By this time my contractions were really beginning to hurt and I remember telling hubby I couldn't cope and I wanted it to stop! Squeezing his hands didn't help so I ended up pulling my own hair to try and get the pain to stop. ..I'm still not sure why I thought that would help! Considering I was only 3cm dilated I think I was being a bit dramatic but it did really feel like I couldn't cope! Someone else came to see if they could tell whether my waters had broken and they said they couldn't tell if the membranes were still there or if it was baby's hair...After a bit of feeling she decided they had broken and it was baby's hair she could feel.
After half an hour they came to check the monitor which showed that baby's heartbeat dropped to about 30 every time I had a contraction which got them worried so I was told I would stay on the monitor for another half an hour and a doctor would have to come to see me.
The baby's heart beat kept dropping with every contraction but then going back to normal so when the doctor came he said it was fine and after another half an hour I could probably be sent home.
By this time it was 6am and the staff swapped over, the midwife or nurse who came to check on me became worried about the baby and decided to check the heart beat again before agreeing to send me home even though the doctor had said I was fine. When they checked it again it was showing the baby was getting distressed with the contractions so I was told I would have to stay in the hospital but be transferred to the antenatal/postnatal ward until I went into active labour, but I couldn't be moved until they were happy baby didn't have to come out urgently.
At 9am I was offered breakfast and was then moved to the other ward and given 2 paracetamol and 2 codeine tablets. I have never had codeine before and I'm not going to lie I felt pretty spaced out! The contractions still hurt as much but apparently I found it funny and couldn't stop giggling!! I don't remember much until we were on the other ward and hubby went home to have a nap and my mam stayed with me.
My mam has arthritis in her hands so I couldn't squeeze them when I was having contractions so I ended up hugging a pillow. By this time I had stopped complaining about them and coped with them silently while counting to 30 in my head and giving myself little pep talks that really seemed to help me....' come on only 20 more seconds and the pain will be gone and you will be fine again' etc. My mam went to sleep next to me and although the contractions were getting more painful and longer I thought I was just being a wuss so didn't want to tell anyone, so just read magazines and hugged the pillow.
At about 11am,I was asked if I wanted lunch, but because I hadn't been there when they had brought the menu round all they could give me was a chicken sandwich. I did try to eat it but I wasn't hungry and my mouth felt really dry despite all the water I was drinking. It was at this point that my mam woke up and noticed that my contractions were making me put the pillow over my face in agony and she asked if I could have some more pain relief. The nurse said I would have to be examined first, so I agreed and they realised I was now 7cm dilated and told me I would have to go to labour suite.
We rang hubby and someone came with a wheelchair to take me down to labour suite (called the birthing centre), and they crashed me into every door and wall on the way down! I remember thinking wow that will help with my pain...not!
I will tell the rest of my birth story in another post as this one is quite long now!!
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